Shining My Light
In 2019, I stopped people-pleasing. I started to stand in my truth. I started my road to becoming who I am today. However, it wasn’t easy.
People pleasing was ingrained in me because I’m a giver and always put everyone first over my needs. So, dominant people took advantage of my kindness and big heart.
I started to stand up for myself. I put my foot down on things I believed in, like creating behavior plans to support the children in my classroom who were misunderstood and needed more support.
As a teacher, my boss wasn’t happy because she tried forcing one of my 2.9-year-old students to sit in a circle and crisscross applesauce.🤮 NOT!!
I stood up for a misunderstood child who didn’t fit the box.
I had so many dominant people in my life who didn’t like that because I was kind and sweet but voiced my opinion.
So, I quit my last teaching job in 2019. I started traveling around Megg Thompson, a pioneer of change in the education system. She is one of the first women I met who stood proud and loud in her truth. Megg empowered me to stand in my truth.
It was one of the best things for me when the world shut down. I could use Megg’s and social media to share my knowledge to build confidence in my voice.
I felt so creative, and everything flowed. I got to nanny during that time. I watched two amazing little girls, now young ladies, grow, learn, and build their voices. I learned so much from them. I’m so grateful to be a part of their family forever.
Then the world opened up, and I couldn’t hide behind the screen anymore, and I had to go into the field and market myself.
It is challenging for a people pleaser because the tools I would share and teach wouldn’t happen overnight. It took work for my family and educators. Some wanted a quick fix instead of teaching the skills and meeting the needs during this time. We were all still in survival mode.
I started to get into my head in the fall of 2022. These thoughts of self-doubt rolled into the winter of 2023. I only had one client.
I started to get into my head more because continuing my business with very little income was more complex and challenging. The guilt began to creep in; not bringing money into my new marriage was heartbreaking for me. I have had a job since I was nine - this lull was challenging.
Then, all the limiting beliefs started to filter in. Playing the old stories in my head that someone else put there from childhood into adulthood.
💠 Getting made fun of because of my stutter and word retrieval processing disorder.
💠 Being bullied in second grade because I couldn’t read or spell and got pulled out for extra support.
💠 Going to the teacher to tell them I needed support, but nothing happened. Not only did they not help me, but I was also called a tattletale and lost friends.
💠 In middle school, I was told I would never amount to anything because I couldn’t read or write. They never thought I would go to college.
💠 In college, I was shamed by a Professor for taking pop quizzes in a quieter area. Then, she mocked me because I took too long, causing the class to not start on time.
💠 During Montessori training, I was excited to learn about this method that aligned with my values. However, my thoughts quickly changed. During my Montessori internship, I was treated very poorly by the lead teacher. I could only bring children to the bathroom for most of the school year and set up snacks. I voiced my opinion to the director then, and my voice wasn’t heard.
💠 A professor during my Montessori training gaslighted me before my classmates. She told me that I did not find joy in children, and she recommended that I not continue my education to get my masters because of my poor writing and reading skills.
💠 After that, I got a job at a Montessori preschool. My boss then told me I wasn’t good enough to be a lead teacher because I didn’t have strong writing skills to do the newsletter or the simple evaluations. We all know that’s the most important thing about teaching in PRESCHOOL. 🙄
💠 Unfortunately, the list goes on and on.
✨ To the people who were unkind to me. I send love and light to you. I hope you can heal the wounds that made you feel that you had to take away power from others to feel seen ✨
All these negative beliefs were swirling in my head. I was utterly lost, depressed, and rejected by people that I thought were supposed to be teaching me and be my mentors.
So, on Jan 3, 2023, I started therapy, and she saw the broken little child Michele. We began to build a relationship and work together to heal my inner child's wounds. We started a therapy called EMDR and embarked on the road to healing.
I did the work and started to create my village. I began to think about all the fantastic women in my lifetime.
💠 My Mom
💠 My Sister
💠 My Mema
💠 My Grandma
💠 Preschool friend
💠 My sister’s best friend from 8th grade
💠 My 8th-grade football friend
💠 My freshman-year bus friend
💠 My roommate in college
💠 My college dinner-date friend
💠 My phone friend
💠 First ever Co-Teacher
💠 My Montessori training friends
💠 My first Montessori school co-workers
💠 My friend from my business coaching group
💠 My friend whom I would take walks with at Horn Pond with masks during COVID times
💠 My online spiritual friends
💠 My Giggles and Wiggles Boss lady
💠 Abloom Development Women
💠 Holistic Life Community
💠 My Maine Village friends
💠 My reading teacher from 8th grade
💠 My special ed coordinator from high school
💠 All the mothers who trusted me to babysit your children when I was in high school
💠 Dr. Ilda King, who NEVER gave up on me or any child, helped teach me how to read and get the support they needed.
💠To all the other women in my life, I love you and so grateful for you!
To my other WONDERFUL humans 🐾
💠 My fantastic husband, who loved me unconditionally and would always give me a hug when I needed it.
💠 My Papa, who was always a phone call away and was happy to help through ALL my schooling since 5th grade.
💠 My dog, Mr. Prosciutto, brought out the playful and nurturing side of me.
💠 Jacie, the family dog, is calm and the best snuggler.
💠 All my beautiful families who welcomed STM into their homes and shared the most challenging moments with me.
💠 All my outstanding educators who listened and added the strategies into your classroom.
💠 My BIGGEST thank you is to my family. They saw me at my worst and saw me at my best. They loved me unconditionally and believed in me even when I was 2.2 pounds.
✨ Thank you for surrounding me with all the healing, love, and light that I needed throughout my life ✨
A year later, in 2024, I stand in my truth. The light shining through me to all of you. I’m more vital than ever before - because I have found my true purpose. I’m here to:
✨ Share the power of positive thinking
✨ Think outside the box
✨ Do what is BEST for every child
✨ Meet the needs of children and adults
✨ Teach skills to children and adults
✨ Teach children they are worthy and loved and can speak their truth with respect, love, and compassion.
I’m here to shine my light and love onto this complex world we are living in.
I’m here to fight your battles with you and for your children.
If I ever worked with you, you would ALWAYS be a part of my village. I am just a phone call away.
Keep Shining ✨